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Episode 26: Dyeing Yarn with Maine Dye and Textiles

This week on the podcast, I'm talking to Claudia Raessler’s, co-founder of Maine Dye and Textiles. Located in Saco, Maine, Maine Dye and Textiles dyes a wide range of yarn from gorgeous wools for Brooklyn Tweed and other knitting yarn companies, to nylon yarns for more industrial purposes. Claudia does, in fact, happen to be a weaver herself, but the focus of this week’s conversation is on what it’s really like running a commission dye house in the US. For me it was a fascinating window into one critically important part of our textile manufacturing industry, and also a window into a woman-owned small business hustling hard to raise the capital and build the team to bring her vision into the world.

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Maine Dye and Textiles Weave Podcast
Maine Dye and Textiles Weaving
Maine Dye and Textiles Weave Podcast
Maine Dye and Textiles Weave Podcast
Maine Dye and Textiles Weave Podcast

1 Response


November 02, 2019

Hi Sarah, I just found these podcasts and am working my way through them, enjoying everyone of them. I listed to the Maine Dye works one and went to the show notes; the link to their website now looks to be pirated/ suspicious now that they have gone out of business. Perhaps you could take down the link so no one gets infected/ replace it with a link to a news item that they have closed?
I’m reading-and really enjoying Clara Parks new book, Vanishing Fleece- I hope she is on your list for upcoming podcasts; it is a great book!

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