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Episode 122: Indigo Growing and Natural Dyeing in Central Baltimore With Kenya Miles

In this week’s episode, I’m really excited to speak with Kenya Miles. Kenya is a textile artist, farmer, and the alchemist behind the Traveling Miles Studio. Kenya has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in natural textiles which she has applied to the Blue Light Junction Project, a natural dye studio, alternative color lab, retail space, dye garden & educational facility in central Baltimore, Maryland. Comment below to keep the conversation going! 

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit:Colby Ware

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit:Colby Ware

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit:Colby Ware

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit:Colby Ware

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit:Colby Ware

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit:Colby Ware

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit:Colby Ware

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Photo Credit: Colby Ware

Kenya Miles

Photo Credit: Colby Ware

Kenya Miles

Kenya Miles

Kenya Miles

Kenya Miles Blue Light Junction

Creative Commons License

The music for this podcast  is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseThe musical section is an excerpt of the original: The Beauty of Maths by Meydän.

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